About MATABEI Tea Farm

Bonds of Partnership

Cultivating tea is no work that can be done alone.

It involves many people including tea pickers, farm staff, and machine maintenance engineers, and without them, our tea production would no longer be possible.

This bonds of partnership is essential for high quality Uji-matcha to be produced and delivered to the consumers every year.

Major Awards

全国茶品評会 碾茶の部 賞状

National Tea Fair, Tencha Division

Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Bureau Director-General’s Award
Chairman of the Japan Tea Industry Association Award
National Federation of Tea Producers Associations Award

関西茶品評会 碾茶の部 賞状

Kansai Tea Fair, Tencha Division

Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Bureau Director-General’s Award
Chairman of the Japan Tea Industry Association Award
National Federation of Tea Producers Associations Award

京都府茶品評会 碾茶の部賞状

Kyoto Prefecture Tea Fair, Tencha Division

Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award
Kinki Agricultural Administration Bureau Director-General’s Award
Governor of Kyoto Award
National Federation of Tea Producers Associations Award

京都府優良品種茶園品評会 手摘みの部 賞状

Kyoto Prefecture Superior Tea Plantation Fair, Hand-picked category

Governor of Kyoto Award
National Federation of Tea Producers Associations Award
Kyoto Prefecture Tea Industry Chamber President Award