
History of MATABEI Tea Farm

MATABEI tea farm is located in Kumiyama of Kuse-district in Yamashiro (the old country name for Southern Kyoto).

*”Kumiyama” may be unfamiliar to some as tea production sites, but according to the chronicle, tea farming on the bank of Kizu River dates back to about 350 years ago during the early Edo period. Tea farms named with honor by the house of Inaba, a feudal lord and the then-administrator of Yodo region, still remain today.

According to the family history, Sakata Matabei used to be the village headman supporting the local government. The record shows that MATABEI tea farm used to present tea produce to Yodo Castle (currently in Yodo-honmach, Fushimi-ward, Kyoto).

Tencha farming, the current style of MATABEI tea farm, was started in Meiji Era and has been continuing for five generations.

Every year, we humbly present the new tea produce to “Kitano Tenmangu” and “Iwashimizu Hachimangu.” After receiving a Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award, we have the honor of presenting our macha to “Meiji Jingu” during Niiname Sai, the harvest festival solemnized by an emperor.

On the land passed down from former generations, we are determined that the tradition of tea farming should live long and prosper for future generations to come.

*Excerpt from Town Chronicle of Kumiyama Vol. 1