Our Factory

Our Factory

Tencha Factory

About sixty years ago, a traditional tea furnace of Uji that had been passed down from generation to generation was redesigned and restructured into the “Tencha Furnace” by our former tea master. Incorporating modern-day technologies, it has established a great reputation of producing high-quality tencha.

Depending on the temperature of the day as well as the humidity, atmospheric pressure, etc., adjustments are made for each individual tea garden.
To avoid contamination with foreign matters, every piece of machinary is manned and thoroughly cleaned every day.

What is important is “sa-e,” a Japanese concept meaning cleanness, clarity, and transparency, and to attain this, degree of steaming of fresh tea leaves is fine-tuned by adjusting the depth of what we call finish-firing; all these are for the coloration (outside) and the substance (inside) of maccha, the final product.